Someone Finally Discovered A Better Way To Learn Guitar...

You'd be amazed that someone hasn't already come up with it because it's such a simple yet effective concept.

Team Method Guitar is a guitar training program assemblyed and taught by an expert team of guitar teachers. Each of them has their own specialty like lead, acoustic, and theory.  You don't pick up any bad habits, or limit yourself to one style, because of the team method of guitar education.

Do you want a massive program that would last you at least two years even if you practiced for hours every day? Team Method Guitar has 10 DVDs, six books, and a plethora of Jam Track CDs that you can jam along with.  There are also courses about playing by ear and state of the art software to accelerate your learning curve on guitar.

Don't mistake TMG with all of the "second best" websites out there with random tips and tricks.  Team Method Guitar is a comprehensive course that takes a guitarist from learning your first chord to rocking at your first gig.

As if the material, guidance, and scope of knowledge weren't enough - Team Method Guitar includes live support.  Stumbling over a C9 chord?  You can can actually talk to the actual team of teachers who built the course and get the answers you need.

Is Team Method Guitar destined to become a cornerstone of guitar culture just like Fender Stratocaster and the Marshall Stack have?

Are you serious about playing guitar?

Have you got the passion and want the chops? 

If you answered yes, Team Method Guitar might be the most important turning point in your musical career.

"Here's Where You Can Check It Out For Yourself!"

Sitting Positions

The two positions for holding the guitar while sitting are casual and classical.  Unless you want to focus on classical guitar, use the casual position.

Step 1) Rest your guitar on your right leg.

Step 2) Put your picking hand over the guitar and rest it on the bridge.

Step 3) Raise your left hand to the nec.

Step 4) Relax. Even experienced guitarists feel a little weird when they pick up a new guitar.

Standing Position

Step 1) Pick your guitar up and put the strap over your left shoulder.

Step 2) Position it about in the middle of your body by adjusting the strap height.

Step 3) Support the neck of the guitar with your left hand. 

Step 4) Place your right hand right over the bridge.

Want To Learn More About The Guitar?

If you want to learn how to play guitar I strongly recommend you check out Team Method Guitar by clicking right here.